
Showing posts from April, 2020

नेपालमा अहिलेसम्म ४२७संक्रमित छन् रहे दुईजनाको मृत्यु भएको छ

आज पनि नेपालमा थप २५ जनामा कारोना पुष्टि भएको छ । योसँगै नेपालमा कोरोना संक्रमितको संख्या ४ सय २७ पुगेको छ ।आज थपिएका संक्रमितमा ३ बर्षीय बालकसहित १८ पुरुष र ७ महिला छन । नेपालमा पहिलोपटक कोरोना संक्रमित बिरामीको मृत्यु भएको छ । अहिलेसम्म दुई सय 78 जना संक्रमित भएका छन् Now in Nepal 258 Total cases and 35 recovered..pls lock down yourself and social distance mainatin. N ow covid 19 Total patients in the wrold is 4012848. Total death are 276316 in the world. In our South Asia covid 19 update- In India there are 59695 people infected by covid 19. There are 1985 deaths in India covid 19. In India recovered are 17887. And active Cases are 39824 covid 19. In Pakistan there are 26435 infected by covid 19. There are 599 deaths in Pakistan by covid 19. Record in Pakistan 7530 and active Cases are 18305 in Pakistan. In Bangladesh there are 13134 of covid 19. There are 206 deaths from covid 19 in Bagaldesh. Recovered are 2101 from covid 19 in Bagaldesh. There are 10827 active Case

Today 29 April South Asia covid 19 update

Now all over the world covid 19 epedimic. Now in the wrold 3163423 covid 19 infected. Today infected 27825 in the wrold. Till total  deaths is 219333.;  In South Asia India More people infected by covid 19. Now in India 31787. Today infected 463. And  deaths in India is  1008. people recoverd  in India 7796.  treatment in hospital are 22983. In Pakistan there are 15289  people are infected and  people. today  new infected 677. Total deaths in  Pakistan is 335. and  3425 people are recoverd and 11529 are in treating. Afghanistan there are 1939 people are infected and today new infected 111. deaths 60 .   recoverd 252 and 1637 are treating. Bangaladesh there are  people7103 are infected by covid 19 and today infected found are 641.  peopleare 163 deaths. people recoverd are 150 and 6790  are treating. In srilanka there are 622   and today new infected d found 3.  In srilanka total  deaths are 7. Recovered 134 and now treating 481 in hospital. In Maldives there are 269 in

दछिण एसिया को कोरोना भाइरस को अपडेट South Asia covid 19 update

 Now all over the world covid 19 epedimic. Now in the wrold 164728 covid 19 infected. Now  deaths is 97536.; In South Asia India More people infected by covid 19. Now in India 6725: people are infected 227 are deaths. 635: people recoverd and 5863 treatment in hospital. In Pakistan there are 4489 people are infected and 65 people deaths. There are 573 people are recoverd and 3853 are in treating. Afghanistan there are 484 people are infected and 15 deaths. 32 recoverd and 437 are treating. Bangaladesh there are 330 people are infected by covid 19 and 21 people are deaths. 33 people recoverd and 276 are treating. In srilanka there are 190  and deaths 7. 49 people recoverd and 134 are treating. Maldips there are 19 infected and no one death. 13 people are recoverd and 6 people are treating. In Nepal there are nine people infected and no deaths. One recorved and eight people are treating. In Bhutan there are five people are you no deaths. There people are recoverd and two are trea

South Asia covid 19 update

In South Asia thare eight country. Now all people awful from covid 19. Now in South Asia in India today date   there are 5916 people are suffering from covid 19. In India there are 178 death by covid 19. India 506 recoverd now continue to treatment are 5232. In South Asia more people suffering from covid 19 in Pakistan. In Pakistan there are 4263 suffering 121death. 572 people recoverd in Pakistan and 2888  are treating. In Afghan covid 19 suffering 444 people. Fouteen people are death and 33 people recoverd. 401 people are treating in hospital. In Bangaladesh today 218  people are infected , twenty people are died ,33 recorved and 165 are treating. Maldips thereare 19 people infected by covid 19, no death 13 people recoverd and six people treating. In Nepal now nine people infected by corana viras. No death and one recoverd and eight people treating. In Bhutan five people infected. No death one recoverd four treating. Today date in South Asia 11063 are infected, Deaths 340