South Asia covid 19 update

In South Asia thare eight country. Now all people awful from covid 19. Now in South Asia in India today date   there are 5916 people are suffering from covid 19. In India there are 178 death by covid 19. India 506 recoverd now continue to treatment are 5232.
In South Asia more people suffering from covid 19 in Pakistan. In Pakistan there are 4263 suffering 121death. 572 people recoverd in Pakistan and 2888  are treating.

In Afghan covid 19 suffering 444 people. Fouteen people are death and 33 people recoverd. 401 people are treating in hospital.
In Bangaladesh today 218  people are infected , twenty people are died ,33 recorved and 165 are treating.

Maldips thereare 19 people infected by covid 19, no death 13 people recoverd and six people treating.

In Nepal now nine people infected by corana viras. No death and one recoverd and eight people treating.
In Bhutan five people infected. No death one recoverd four treating.
Today date in South Asia 11063 are infected,
Deaths 340, recorved 1964 and 8842 treating in Chudamani Dhakal kohalpur Nepal....


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