Today 29 April South Asia covid 19 update

Now all over the world covid 19 epedimic. Now in the wrold 3163423 covid 19 infected. Today infected 27825 in the wrold. Till total  deaths is 219333.;

 In South Asia India More people infected by covid 19. Now in India 31787. Today infected 463. And  deaths in India is  1008. people recoverd  in India 7796.  treatment in hospital are 22983.

In Pakistan there are 15289  people are infected and  people. today  new infected 677. Total deaths in  Pakistan is 335. and  3425 people are recoverd and 11529 are in treating.

Afghanistan there are 1939 people are infected and today new infected 111. deaths 60 .   recoverd 252 and 1637 are treating.

Bangaladesh there are  people7103 are infected by covid 19 and today infected found are 641.  peopleare 163 deaths. people recoverd are 150 and 6790  are treating.

In srilanka there are 622   and today new infected d found 3.  In srilanka total  deaths are 7. Recovered 134 and now treating 481 in hospital.

In Maldives there are 269 infected today new  infected found are 19  no death. 17 people are recoverd and 252 people are treating.

In Nepal there are 57 people infected and today  new infected found 3. No  deaths. 16 recorved and 41 people are treating.

In Bhutan there are 7  people are infected you.toady no any new Cases found. no deaths. There are 5 people recoverd and 2 are treating in hospital.

Today in South Asia total new infected 1917. There for lock down is vaccine of covid 19. Don't go out.


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