नेपालमा अहिलेसम्म ४२७संक्रमित छन् रहे दुईजनाको मृत्यु भएको छ

आज पनि नेपालमा थप २५ जनामा कारोना पुष्टि भएको छ । योसँगै नेपालमा कोरोना संक्रमितको संख्या ४ सय २७ पुगेको छ ।आज थपिएका संक्रमितमा ३ बर्षीय बालकसहित १८ पुरुष र ७ महिला छन ।

नेपालमा पहिलोपटक कोरोना संक्रमित बिरामीको मृत्यु भएको छ । अहिलेसम्म दुई सय 78 जना संक्रमित भएका छन्

Now in Nepal 258 Total cases and 35 recovered..pls lock down yourself and social distance mainatin.
ow covid 19 Total patients in the wrold is 4012848. Total death are 276316 in the world.
In our South Asia covid 19 update-
In India there are 59695 people infected by covid 19. There are 1985 deaths in India covid 19. In India recovered are 17887. And active Cases are 39824 covid 19.
In Pakistan there are 26435 infected by covid 19. There are 599 deaths in Pakistan by covid 19. Record in Pakistan 7530 and active Cases are 18305 in Pakistan.
In Bangladesh there are 13134 of covid 19. There are 206 deaths from covid 19 in Bagaldesh. Recovered are 2101 from covid 19 in Bagaldesh. There are 10827 active Cases of covid 19 in Bagaldesh.
In Afghanistan there are 3778 total infected of covid 19. Thare are 109 people deaths in after by covid 19. Recovered are 429 and active Cases are 3197 of covid 19 in Afghanistan.
In srilanka there are 835 infected of covid 19. There are 9 people are deaths in srilanka by covid 19. In srilanka 240 recovered from covid 19. And active Cases are 586 of covid 19.
In Maldives there are 744 people infected from covid 19.There are 3 peple die from covid 19 in Maldives. Recorved are 20 and active Cases are 721 of covid 19 in Maldives.
In our Nepal there are 109 people are infected from 109. No deaths from covid 19 in Nepal. Recorved are 20 and active Cases are 78 covid 19 in Nepal.
In Bhutan there 7 Cases of covid 19. No death and 5 recovered and 2 active Cases in Bhutan covid 19...

Now all over the world covid 19 pendamic. till today in the world total 3318443 and deaths 234250.pls fellow the Lock down and use PPE and social distance.

In South Asia -

India is 35043 infected people.taday in India 180 new infected. Total deaths are 1154 in india.total recoverd 9068 and active Cases 25520.

In Pakistan there are 16817 people infected.today new infected are 344. In Pakistan total deaths are 385. Recovered in Pakistan are 4315 and treating 12117.

In Bangaladesh there are 7667 infected and new Cases are 000. Total death are 168 in Bangaladesh. recovered are 160 and treating are 7339.

In Afghanistan there are 2171 infected and today new Cases are 000. Total deaths are 64. Recovered are 260 and treating are 1847 in Afganisthan.

In srilanka there are 655 people infected and new Cases 2 people. Total deaths are 7. Recoverd are 154 and treating 504 in srilanka.

In Maldives 468 are infected. Toady infected are 00. One person deaths and 17 people recoverd. 450 are treating in hospital.

In Nepal there are 59 people are infected. Today 2 new infected.No deaths. Recoverd are 16 people and 43 training in hospital.

In Bhutan there 7 people are infected. Today no infected.No deaths and 5 people recoverd and 2 are treating in hospital.
Pls Lock down yourself,if going out use PPE and social distance.
The end see you tomorrow...pls ..

source from wHo...


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